Monday 14 October 2013

The Galapagos Islands

The only important thing to say about the Galapagos is, that I have found a place on earth were I became one with it, only in these few weeks. I got so energetically attached to the plants, the animals and the people, that I had a nervous breakdown when I left. This place is amazing and it is around the top on the list of the best places I have ever visited in my life.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Surfing the coast from Peru up to Ecuador

In life you have to be what you actually are. Also for me this doesn't work out always and people start to live lives they are not. This couple of weeks when I made these pics where awesome, living the surfer lifestyle with a fellow surfer from California, Tom. Well, I met Tom in Cusco, Peru, in the mountains. He was surfing the coast from Chile up to Ecuador and hitting the Galapagos Islands. So, after I had enough snow and hail in the Andes I joined him. I had weeks of some surf, many wipeouts, I almost drowned once (seriously, no joke), we made loads of partying, had beers with the mates, respect for the Ocean, and more party, party, and met lifetime friends. :)